Monday, April 23, 2012

Checking in...oh, and Anime Boston dashboard layout for blogger o_O This will take some getting used to! But I think I like it over all.

ANYWAY, just stopping in to say, no, I haven't forgotten about this blog, or given up on writing, or anything like that. I've just been really busy! With what, you ask? Well...this:

Dead Moon Circus' FFX Aeons at Anime Boston 2012 (Full Size)
Photo by Lionel Lum

Or more specifically, this:

Yojimbo by Gale, worn by Neige
Photo by Lionel Lum

So I really haven't have much time to dedicate to writing for a while. I've also been working a lot on The Cosplay Safety Project panels, which with any luck will translate quickly into articles once I get a little more time on my hands.

Simply put we are getting into the convention "season" both in terms of costuming and (for me) staffing and now panel-prepping as well. In the next few months, on top of making a few new costumes, I'll be running the costume contest at BAMCon in Pittsfield, MA, attending AnimeNEXT in Somerset, NJ, coordinating and liaising for guest relations at ConnectiCon in Hartford, CT, and attending Dragon*Con in Atlanta, GA, as well as (with any luck) rehearsing for and acting in a play or two in my non-cosplay/convention life. Point being, I may not be able to write as often as I did in the relative "off-season."

As always, if you have any questions you'd like me to try to write on you can ask via my Facebook or Tumblr (the latter at least of which you should follow!!!). Also, I encourage you to come find me at any of the aforementioned conventions, I'd love to say "Hi!"